Terra Canis Dog Food Supplement Gold Sea Oil Blend with Salmon
Supplementary feed for dogs Mixture of salmon oil (70%) and cod liver oil (30%) In pure food quality 250ml 250ml Goldmeer is an excellent blend of salmon oil (70%) and cod...
- Supplementary feed for dogs
- Mixture of salmon oil (70%) and cod liver oil (30%)
- In pure food quality
- 250ml
- 250ml
Goldmeer is an excellent blend of salmon oil (70%) and cod liver oil (30%). The nutrient-rich oils of pure food quality combine to form a very special supplementary drop for four-legged friends.
salmon oil
In addition to fat-soluble vitamins (especially vitamins A and D), a high content of energy, iodine and phosphorus, salmon oil provides an extraordinary amount of important omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are said to support growth, cell division, nerve development and vision. Furthermore, they should improve the fluidity of the blood, act actively against inflammation and help to lower the cholesterol level.
cod liver oil
The oil, popularly known as cod liver oil, has a long tradition in the nutrition of two- and four-legged friends. The nutrient-rich drop was given to children in particular to prevent deficiencies. The valuable fish oil is obtained from the liver of cod or other related types of fish. In addition to readily available energy, it contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids - above all the omega-3 fatty acids belonging to the unsaturated fatty acids - as well as an exceptionally high content of the fat-soluble, important vitamins A and D. Its content is also noteworthy of iodine, phosphorus and vitamin E.
The Terra Canis brand
The dog is man's best friend. He stands by us in every situation and gives us his love, affection and loyalty every day. Such a good friend deserves to be treated with respect and responsibility. Also in terms of nutrition. With this in mind, Birgitta Ornau founded the company and the Terra Canis brand. With the ultimate goal of producing high-quality dog food made from natural, food-grade ingredients. A lot of muscle meat, heart meat and a little liver are used for the Terra Canis menus, supplemented with fresh vegetarian raw materials such as fruit, vegetables and herbs. The crushed ingredients are blended without artificial additives or preservatives. In addition, there are only natural ingredients such as seaweed, organic eggshells, mineral earth, rose hips, pollen, silica, whey, Andean salt or rapeseed oil. In this way, your dog is supplied with all the important raw materials in a species-appropriate manner, as nature intended.
Is your dog tired and listless?
There are also times in a dog's life when your loyal friend needs special food or nutritional supplements. Build it up with multivitamin supplements or strengthen its nerves when stressed and listless.