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RedDingo Harness and Leash Stars

RedDingo Harness and Leash Stars

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Stars White on Turquoise, XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo harness and leash Snowflake

RedDingo harness and leash Snowflake

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Snowflake Turquoise - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Safari

RedDingo Harness and Leash Safari

CHF 29.88
Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars are equipped with their typical fish...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Ziggy

RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Ziggy

CHF 35.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Ziggy Black - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective

RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective

CHF 35.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Lime Green - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Fish

RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Fish

CHF 35.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Reflective Fish Red - XS Red Dingo's Reflective harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and are available in a variety of colors and patterns....
RedDingo Harness and Leash Pink Spots

RedDingo Harness and Leash Pink Spots

CHF 29.88
Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars are equipped with their typical fish...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Penguin

RedDingo Harness and Leash Penguin

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Penguin Turquoise, XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. Fabric - First grade...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Paws

RedDingo Harness and Leash Paws

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Paws Red - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Paisley

RedDingo Harness and Leash Paisley

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Paisley Blue with Green - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Hummel

RedDingo Harness and Leash Hummel

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Bumble Bee Turquoise - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo harness and leash Flanno

RedDingo harness and leash Flanno

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Flanno Hot Pink - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo harness and leash Catch it

RedDingo harness and leash Catch it

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Fang it Red - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Design White Spots

RedDingo Harness and Leash Design White Spots

CHF 29.88
Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars are equipped with their typical fish...
RedDingo harness and leash design flamingo

RedDingo harness and leash design flamingo

CHF 29.88
Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars are equipped with their typical fish...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Daiys Chain

RedDingo Harness and Leash Daiys Chain

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Daiys Chain Purple - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo harness and leash Cosmos

RedDingo harness and leash Cosmos

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Cosmos Dark Blue - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Classic Plain

RedDingo Harness and Leash Classic Plain

CHF 23.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Classic Plain Turquoise - XS Red Dingo's Classic harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and come in a variety of colors and patterns. All...
RedDingo harness and leash camouflage

RedDingo harness and leash camouflage

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Camouflage, XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars...
RedDingo Harness and Leash Butterfly

RedDingo Harness and Leash Butterfly

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Butterfly - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat...
RedDingo harness and leash Breezy Love

RedDingo harness and leash Breezy Love

CHF 29.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Breezy Love Orange - XS Designed for adult cats , Red Dingo's design harnesses and leashes come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red...
Harness and leash with dots

Harness and leash with dots

CHF 29.88
Red Dingo Harness & Leash, Gray Dots Red Dingo design collars, harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and are available in a range of colors and patterns. All...
Classic cat harness with leash

Classic cat harness with leash

CHF 23.88
RedDingo Harness and Leash Classic Plain CLime Green - XS Red Dingo's Classic harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and come in a variety of colors and patterns....
Collar Swiss Cross

Collar Swiss Cross

CHF 9.90
Red Dingo collar Swiss Cross XS Red Dingo design collars, harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and are available in a range of colors and patterns 2kg opens...
RedDingo Flanno Cat Collar

RedDingo Flanno Cat Collar

CHF 9.90
Red Dingo collars are designed for adult cats and come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Red Dingo cat collars are equipped with their typical fish clip closure,...
RedDingo Collar Modern

RedDingo Collar Modern

CHF 9.90
RedDingo Collar Modern on Cool Grey Red Dingo design collars, harnesses and leashes are designed for adult cats and are available in a range of colors and patterns 2kg opens...
RedDingo Collar Bumblebee

RedDingo Collar Bumblebee

CHF 9.90
Red Dingo collars are designed for adult cats and come in a variety of colors and patterns. All Cat collars from Red Dingo come with their signature Equipped with a...
Rogz cat collar Silkycat

Rogz cat collar Silkycat

CHF 11.95
With detachable bell cool design Protection against strangulation and snagging Size adjustable This cool collar by Rogz is characterized by the adjustable safety clasp. You can also adjust the size...
Rogz Cat Collar Nightcat Lime Swallows

Rogz Cat Collar Nightcat Lime Swallows

CHF 13.95
With detachable bell cool design Protection against strangulation and snagging Size adjustable Size Length 200-310mm (11mm wide) This cool collar by Rogz is characterized by the adjustable safety clasp. You...
Rogz Cat Collar Glittercat coral

Rogz Cat Collar Glittercat coral

CHF 13.95
With detachable bell cool design Protection against strangulation and snagging Size adjustable This cool collar by Rogz is characterized by the adjustable safety clasp. In addition, you can regulate the...
Rogz Cat Collar Nightcat

Rogz Cat Collar Nightcat

CHF 13.95
This cool collar by Rogz is characterized by the adjustable safety clasp. You can also adjust the size of the neck and if you need to sleep, the little bell...
Rogz Cat Harness ReflectoCat

Rogz Cat Harness ReflectoCat

CHF 35.95
Line dimensions: 11 mm (W) x 1.8 (L) m Dimensions crockery 11 mm (W) x 24 - 40 cm In eye-catching green, red or blue Properties: Reflective Does your cat...
Schoolgirl Costume

Schoolgirl Costume

From CHF 24.90
DESCRIPTION Trick or treat!!!! From now on you don't have to go out alone on Halloween or carnival, because your dog gets an original and fitting costume here. Whether as...
Graduate costume

Graduate costume

CHF 25.50
DESCRIPTION Doctor, nurse, sailor, pirate, Santa Claus or rather cowboy? Our large selection of animal costumes not only provides you with enough ideas of what you can dress up your...
Doctor costume

Doctor costume

From CHF 31.90
DESCRIPTION Doctor, nurse, sailor, pirate, Santa Claus or rather cowboy? Our large selection of animal costumes not only provides you with enough ideas of what you can dress up your...
Cowboy costume

Cowboy costume

From CHF 25.50
Description Doctor, nurse, sailor, pirate, Santa Claus or rather cowboy? Our large animal costume selection not only provides you with enough ideas as to what you can dress up your...
Breathable cat harness with matching leash

Breathable cat harness with matching leash

CHF 65.80CHF 32.90
Description Sets are always super practical, because with just one purchase you immediately get everything you need. This is also the case with this cat harness with matching leash. Ordered...
Soft cat harness with leash

Soft cat harness with leash

From CHF 25.90
DESCRIPTION The cat harness with leash is ideal for walking your velvet paw on a leash. The comfortable fit and sufficient freedom of movement ensure that your cat feels completely...
Personalizable cat collar with bells

Personalizable cat collar with bells

CHF 34.15CHF 23.90
Personalized collars are always a good idea! Because that way you can be sure that your runaway will get home faster than without personal data. Nevertheless, a personalized collar should...
Personalizable cat collar with cute bell pendant

Personalizable cat collar with cute bell pendant

From CHF 20.90
This pretty cat collar is the ideal, protective companion for your outdoor cat. Your darling is optimally equipped for the exit. The personalizable name tag helps to bring your runaway...


Costumes and clothing for cats

Hast du ein aufgeschlossenes Kätzchen, das gerne die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht, oder eine Katze, die eher wie ein Hund ist und sich ruhig verhält? Dann ist sie vielleicht der perfekte Kandidat für ein paar schicke neue Katzenkleider. Wenn du einen Blick in unseren "Kleiderschrank" für Katzenkleidung wirfst, wirst du alles finden, was du für eine aufstrebende Katzen-Fashionista brauchst.

Can cats wear clothes?

Katzen können Kleidung tragen, und viele scheinen sie zu mögen, aber manche Katzen tolerieren das Tragen von Kleidung einfach nicht. Versuche, deine Katze langsam an das Tragen von Kleidung zu gewöhnen. Achte dabei auf Anzeichen von Unbehagen und belohne sie mit Leckerlis, wenn sie sich gut benimmt. Achte darauf, dass deine Katze nie unbeaufsichtigt in der Kleidung bleibt, und vergewissere dich immer, dass die Kleidung richtig sitzt. 

Welche Art von Bekleidung wird angenommen?

Katzen mögen am liebsten Kleidungsstücke, die nur wenig bedecken. Viele Katzen tragen gerne ein Halstuch oder ein leichtes T-Shirt, scheuen sich aber vor einem Pullover oder Overall, der sie vollständig bedeckt. Andere Katzen freuen sich über jede Art von Kleidung, die du ihnen anziehst, und lieben es, sich zu verkleiden und für Fotos zu posieren! Versuche, mit einem neuartigen Katzenhalsband oder einem Hemd, das den Bauch nicht bedeckt, klein anzufangen und dann zu sehen, ob deine Katze etwas mit mehr Stoff toleriert. Beobachte deine Katze immer genau, wenn sie Kleidung trägt. 

How do I find out the right dress size?

Finde die richtige Kleidergrösse für deine Katze, indem du den Hals- und Brustumfang sowie die Länge vom Halsansatz bis zum Schwanz misst. Vergleiche dann die Masse deiner Katze mit der Grössentabelle für das gewünschte Kleidungsstück. Wir achten immer darauf, dass eine jeweilige Grössentabelle abgebildet ist, die dir hilft, die perfekte Grösse für dein Haustier zu finden. Wenn deine Katze zwischen zwei Grössen liegt, nehme eine Nummer grösser. Vergewissere dich, dass zwei Finger unter die von dir gewählte Haustierkleidung passt und stecken deine Katze niemals in zu weite Kleidung - die richtige Passform sollte eng anliegen und keine Falten werfen.

Linen tiger on tour

Folgsam an der Leine laufen wie ein Hund? Das wäre wohl zu viel verlangt. Aber zum Kurztrip bis zur nächsten Strassenecke erklärt sich Katze durchaus bereit. Besser als nichts - besonders für Wohnungstiger, die sonst nie vor der Tür kommen.

Deine Fellnase darf das Katzengeschirr in aller Ruhe beschnuppern. Halte ihr dann das geöffnete Brustgeschirr vors Gesicht, und zeige ihr direkt dahinter ein Leckerli. Die Katze streckt den Kopf vor, um ans Futter zu kommen, und streift dabei das Geschirr ganz von selbst über. Ziehe es behutsam weiter nach hinten, während Mieze sich noch mit dem Leckerbissen beschäftigt.
Wiederhole die Übung an mehreren Tagen, bis deine Katze mit dem Brustgeschirr vertraut ist, und schnalle es ihr dann so um, dass es gut sitzt. Lenke Mieze mit einem Spiel ab, damit sie das ungewohnte Objekt vergisst. Lege die Katzenleine erst an, wenn die Katze das Katzengeschirr ohne Abwehr akzeptiert. Zerre nice an der Leine, und lasse deinen Leinentiger entscheiden, wohin es geht.